Loans from your bank can put undue pressure on a business owner. Getting a business loan from the bank requires an arduous approval process, endless phone calls and emails, and mountains of paperwork. It requires misused time and attention of key members of the organization. In the end, the bank could deny a business’ loan request for any number of reasons. Priority Funding Solutions simplifies the process. Here’s what a satisfied owner of a skin care manufacturer in Las Vegas, NV said about working with Priority Funding Solutions:
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Our manufacturing business loans typically provide the business owner financing in 1-2 days! If you have been in business for over four months and deposit at least $10,000 per month, you will qualify for a business loan. Unlike some other business loan providers, Priority Funding Solutions business loans are not collateralized against any of your equipment and have flexible repayment options. After paying 45% of your loan, you’ll also become eligible for additional funding that can be used in place of a revolving line of credit.
Apply for a manufacturing business loan online with Priority Funding Solutions with no obligation and no hassle. If you have additional questions, Priority Funding Solutions is available by phone, chat, or email seven days a week. Contact us today!
Turnkey Financial Solutions
SBA Lending
SBA 7(a)
SBA 504
A/R Financing
Weekly Payments
30-60-90 day receivables considered
Business Loans
Same Day Approval
Weekday and Weekly Payment Options
Business Term Loans
Fixed Monthly Payments
Amortized Loan- No prepayment penalty
Approval Decision within a week
Merchant Processing
Next Day Access to Funds
Fast, Easy On-boarding process
Credit Lines
Up to $250,000 available
Up to 24 Month Terms